Although all but the first of the articles listed below are about sixteenth-century Flemish illuminated manuscripts, they might be of interest to non-specialists because the artist they discuss, Simon Bening, was “the Michelangelo of miniaturists.” He was a contemporary of the great Italian artist and the producer of extraordinarily beautiful miniatures. The first article is about Michelangelo, and how certain of his poems and drawings gave him a socially acceptable outlet for expressing his erotic impulses toward men. Some of these articles are available on academic data bases; others can be found in the Periodicals departments of university libraries.
For more than 20 years, I have also written, and continue to write, articles about Italy-- travel articles, articles about the Italian Renaissance an book reviews on Italian topics-- for Fra Noi, the monthly magazine of the greater Chicago area Italian American community. Some are archived on-line. Fra Noi is also available by subscription in an on-line version.
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The Iconography of The Archers:A Study of Self-concealment and Self-revelation in Michelangelos Presentation Drawings, Studies in Iconography
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The Beatty Rosarium Reconstructed: A Manuscript with Excised Miniatures by Simon Bening, Oud Holland
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A Note on the Relationship of Manuscript Illumination and Panel Painting: Simon Benings Beatty Rosarium and the Diptych of Chrétien de Hondt, Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen
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The Stockholm-Kassel Book of Hours: A Reintegrated Manuscript from the Shop of Simon Bening, Acta Bibliothecae Regiae Stockholmiensis
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The Book of Hours of Cardinal Norfolk at Arundel Castle: An Unpublished Masterwork by Simon Bening, The Burlington Magazine
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Simon Bening: The Adoration of the Magi. Entry for exhibition catalog The Touch of the Artist. Master Drawings from the Woodner Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
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A Book of Hours with Micro-miniatures by Simon Bening, Oud-Holland
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Simon Bening and the Italian High Renaissance: Some Unexplored Sources, Oud-Holland
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Simon Bening Studies Raphael: The Impact of the Italian High Renaissance on a Flemish Miniaturist, In Tributes in Honor of James H. Marrow. Studies in Painting and Manuscript Illumination of the Late Middle Ages and Northern Renaissance